
TheWitnessisasingle-playergameinanopenworldwithdozensoflocationstoexploreandover500puzzles.Thisgamerespectsyouasanintelligentplayer ...,TheWitnessissuchaninterestinggame.Itissosimpleinmanyways,butintheend,complexanddifficulttomaster.Puzzlegamescanbehitormisswith ...,『TheWitness』是一款單人遊戲,玩家將在擁有數十個地點的開放世界裡探索並破解500多道謎題。這款遊戲敬重你是個聰明的玩家,絕不浪費你寶...

The Witness

The Witness is a single-player game in an open world with dozens of locations to explore and over 500 puzzles. This game respects you as an intelligent player ...

The Witness (PS4) Review

The Witness is such an interesting game. It is so simple in many ways, but in the end, complex and difficult to master. Puzzle games can be hit or miss with ...

The Witness (遊戲)

『The Witness』是一款單人遊戲,玩家將在擁有數十個地點的開放世界裡探索並破解500 多道謎題。這款遊戲敬重你是個聰明的玩家,絕不浪費你寶貴的時間。沒有濫竽充數的謎題 ...

The Witness

The Witness is a single-player game in an open world with dozens of locations to explore and over 500 puzzles. This game respects you as an intelligent player ...